Thursday, October 21, 2010

FEL Demonstration Sites

We just finished round two of our Foundation for Early Learning "Train the Trainers" in Huntington this week. Vermont is in the last year of a three year grant to build a cadre of people who can train Early Childhood professionals in Early Literacy and Positive Behavior Supports. Dr. Tweety Yates from the University of Illinois has been the Vermont Trainer from the Center for Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) and Allison Jones has been the Vermont trainer from the Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL)

On Wednesday at the training, Kate Rogers and Maureen Sullivan from the Vermont Department of Education, along with Dr. Yates, announced that Barlow Street Preschool and Highgate Laboratory Preschool will be CSEFEL demonstration sites in Franklin County. These two preschool programs will be implementing the principles of CSEFEL's research-based practices. As more early childhood providers across the region become trained in CSEFEL, they can visit these two sites to see what it looks like when Positive Behavior Supports are practiced program-wide. 
Pictured above from left to right, Maureen Sullivan, Beth Richey (Highgate Laboratory Preschool teacher), Andrea Racek (Barlow Street Preschool Teacher), Dr. Tweety Yates, and Kate Rogers.

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