Thursday, August 6, 2009

Technology in Early Education?

I have spent the last three days at the VPA Leadership Academy in Killington and have participated in the "Technology and Differentiation" Strand with Jim Moulton. I have a lot of new tools in my tool box to share with staff and am not sure what the best way to do that is. We are almost to the point that all of our staff have lap tops and more and more of our meeting spots have WiFi so maybe a county wide meeting with laptops would work for us?

My other thoughts other than the "how" is the "why". I know there are a lot of different philosophies about technology in the early education classroom. I hear things like "We only have ten hours with them and they spend enough time in front of screens at home, they don't need to do that here too." Or "we are here to teach foundational skills and social skills, we don't need technology to do that in early ed."

I have been trying to find some innovative early education programs who are using technology as one tool to intentionally teach kindergarten readiness skills. I am not really finding one although I would love to put something together based on what I am seeing as I travel to different classrooms in our early ed collaborative. Some supporting sites that I have found are: (links to many many resources)


Unknown said...

That’s true. Technology has always played a role in keeping track of numbers, and the idea of using machines to solve mathematical problems. reviews

Anonymous said...

American Education: Early childhood education