Monday, December 22, 2008

Hanen: It Takes Two to Talk

I attended the Hanen: It Takes Two to Talk workshop December 11-13. It was a training for SLPs to lead parent groups, targeted towards parents of young children who have language delays. There were lots of great tools I can use in my work individually with families. I love the idea of helping parents to facilitate communiation effectively in everyday interactions, and taking language development out of the speech-language therapy bubble. It would also be great to get a parent group together, but there will be logistical things to consider. One thing is need/interest- are a lot of you working with families whose children have language skills at the 2-word level or below, and who would be interested in parent training?

Here's a picture of me and the instructor, who was great.

I have the parent workbook and a DVD. Let me know if you want to have a look!

1 comment:

Sherry Artemenko said...

Hi Emily,

I am an SLP too and share a passion for helping parents build their child's language through everyday experience, great play and stimulating books. My website,, has articles, a blog and toy and book reveiws on toys, games and books that have value in building a child's language skills. I give tips for parents on how to use literature to expand language.I hope this is helpful to your readers!
Sherry Artemenko MA,CCC-SLP